The 18th Quezon City Council recently enacted another milestone ordinance on environmental protection entitled “An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use of Polyethylene (Plastic) Advertisement and Propaganda Materials within the Territorial Jurisdiction of Quezon City which has gone through the process including public consultations and committee hearings.
This ordinance aims to challenge every candidate as well as businesses in adopting innovative measures to continue the substantial reduction of plastic wastes in QC.
Councilor Dorothy “Doray” Delarmente, the main proponent of the measure strongly encourage all her fellow elected officials to support this measure and set an example to other local government units to have an “Environmental-Friendly Elections”.
The members of the Quezon City Council truly acknowledge the urgency of this legislation which will prohibit the use of plastic advertisement and propaganda materials. Truckloads of plastic trash will be added to the garbage of the City should this ordinance will not be implemented especially that the election is fast approaching.
Environmental groups commended the Quezon City Government for coming up with another environmental ordinance.
An implementing rules and regulations will be issued for the effective execution of the abovementioned ordinance. |