With the initiative to raise awareness on the legislative policies of the city, the 18th Quezon City Council through its Presiding Officer, Vice Mayor Joy G. Belmonte instituted the creation of a Legislative E-Library (Legis E-Lib) located at the Ground Floor of the Legislative Building, Quezon City Hall which will cater the needs of the various sectors of the society.
Stakeholders in the business sector, civic groups, non-government organizations and residents of Quezon City can now obtain a full copy of ordinances and resolutions they wanted to study or for their own guidance. The Legis E-Library features a comprehensive database of legislative tracking system of all the ordinances and resolutions being passed as well as the measures since 1939.
This Legis E-Library is just one of the primary actions that the Council is conducting in order to promote vigilance especially among its citizens. Through this initiative, the City Council is more assured with the knowledge and awareness of the citizens on the various policies existing in the city in building a law-abiding society towards development. |